HADI’s CEO Mohammed Abdul Aleem was interviewed on June 7, 2011 by the Voice of America News for an article titled “Has the Internet Made Finding Faith Easier, or More Difficult?” under the feature heading “Fing God Online”.  The article highlights the evolution of online technologies that have facilitated virtual religious experiences.  It also points out that more and more people are looking for spiritual answers in the digital world, which has advantages as well as drawbacks. Aleem described the birth of HADI’s IslamiCity.com portal website, which provides a variety of information and viewpoints about Islam to visitors of all backgrounds.  One of the key observations of the article is that no matter how valuable online tools can be for enriching one’s spiritual journey, they cannot replace the innate desire for direct person-to-person contact and sense of real-world community.  As the operator of one of the web’s earliest and most visited sites related to Islam, we at HADI were gratified to be part of this thought-provoking feature article.

Click here to read the full article.