HADI stands for Human Assistance & Development International. The inspiration behind each letter, the name, and purpose of the organization is as follows:
âHâ is for human, which represents the entire humanity.
âAâ is for assistance
âDâ is for development, which means to assist in developing in every area and aspect of life.
âIâ is for international, which reflects the universal values of peace, justice, freedom, solidarity, and harmony.
Thus, the purpose of HADI is to assist in the development of humankind without any boundaries as to race, creed, or color. HADI inspires to work for the socio-economic, educational, and scientific development of people worldwide.
In 1991, a group of young professionals with varied educational disciplines and backgrounds including Computer Science (BS), Near Eastern Studies (PhD), Nuclear Physics (PhD), and Management Information Systems (MBA) got together in Los Angeles, California. They were Alumni of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), University of California Berkeley, and Southern Illinois University (SIU). The UCLA campus became a meeting ground for the founders.
The founders of the organization were mostly in their teens when they immigrated to the United States. After getting their higher education, working in industry and academic fields, they felt compelled to contribute back to society. The average age of the founders was 27 at the time of the formation of the organization.
Their goal was to dedicate and contribute knowledge, talent and time for the long term development of people worldwide. With this broad and ambitious objective, they decided to establish HADI. The organization received its 501(C)(3) tax-exempt status by the U.S. Department of Treasury in 1993.